[. . . ] · The POS terminal should not be operated by an individual with wet hands. The water could seep into the interior of the POS terminal and cause component failure. The use of such chemicals will lead to discoloration or deterioration of the cabinet. · The POS terminal plugs into any standard wall outlet (official (nominal) voltage). [. . . ] · You can also select "2 SETTING" by touching the and keys. · If you return to the previous screen, touch the key. 2. Select "1 ARTICLE. " · The ARTICLE window will appear. NOTE The mark (w) in the lower-right corner of the window shows that the window contains more options than are now on the screen. To return to the previous page, touch the key. 3. Select "1 DEPT. " · The DEPT window will appear, listing programmable departments. 134 UP33_07. p65 134 3/22/99, 11:52 AM 4. Select "01" to program for department 1. · The "01" window will appear. 5. On the first page of the "01" window, program the unit price and description as follows: NOTE There are three entry patterns for the programming: the numeric entry, character entry, and selective entry. · Move the cursor to "PRICE, " enter "200" by using numeric keys, then touch the key. Numeric entry · Move the cursor to "DESCRIPTION, " enter "ABCDE" by using character keys, then touch the key. Character entry If you want to clear the setting, touch the you touch the key. key before 6. On the first page of the "01" window, program the machine to enable the scale entry as follows: · Move the cursor to "SCALE, " touch the "ENABLE" appears, then touch the Selective entry key until key. NOTE The key toggles between three options as follows: INHIBIT ENABLE COMPULSORY INHIBIT . . . . Touching the key displays all pertinent options. 7. Select one of the following actions: · To cancel the programming, touch the key. · To finalize the programming, touch the key, then touch the key. To return to the "01" window, touch the key. The following sections describe how to program each item which is contained in a programming group. 135 UP33_07. p65 135 3/22/99, 11:52 AM Article Programming Use the following procedure to select any option included in the article programming group. Procedure 1. In the SETTING window, select "1 ARTICLE. " · The ARTICLE window will appear. 2. Select any option from the following options list: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 DEPT: PLU: PLU RANGE: PLU STOCK: INGREDIENT: INGREDIENT STOCK: PLU MENU KEY: COMBO MEAL: LINK PLU TABLE: CONDIMENT TABLE: PROMOTION TABLE: RECIPE TABLE: SCALE TABLE: DEPT. SHIFT: HAPPY HOUR: Departments PLUs A range of PLUs PLU stock quantity Ingredients of PLUs Ingredient stock quantity PLU menu key Combo meal Link PLU table Condiment table Promotion table Recipe table Scale table Department shift Happy hour The following illustration shows those options included in the article programming group. 1 ARTICLE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 DEPT PLU PLU RANGE PLU STOCK INGREDIENT INGREDIENT STOCK PLU MENU KEY COMBO MEAL LINK PLU TABLE CONDIMENT TABLE PROMOTION TABLE RECIPE TABLE SCALE TABLE DEPT. (Use the numeric entry) Department code to be associated with the entered PLU (01 through 99) When a PLU is associated with a department, the following functions of the PLU depend on the programming for the department. · Grouping (group 1 through 17) · Item validation print compulsory/non-compulsory · Single item cash sale/Single item finalize · Single receipt/double receipt · HALO (only for subdepartments) · SIGN (Use the selective entry) +: Plus PLU/subdepartment ­: Minus PLU/subdepartment The function of every PLU/subdepartment varies according to the combination of its sign and the sign of its associated department as follows: Department: + Serves as a normal plus PLU/subdept. : + PLU/subdepartment. Department: PLU/subdept. : Department: PLU/subdept. : Department: PLU/subdept. : ­ ­ + ­ ­ + Serves as a normal minus PLU/subdepartment. Not valid; not accepted Select a pertinent PLU code from the PLUs list. w w w · PRICE 1 through 7 (Use the numeric entry) Unit price of each price level (max. If you want to enter a price for PRICE 2 through 7, contact your authorized SHARP dealer. · DESCRIPTION 1 throught 7 (Use the character entry) Description of a PLU for each price level. · KEY DESCRIPTION 1 thru 7 (Use the character entry) Description of the key label for each price level. · KEY COLOR (Use the selective entry) Select a key color from the colors list (16 different colors). BLACK/BLUE/LIGHT BLUE/MAGENTA/LIGHT MAGENTA/ GREEN/LIGHT GREEN/RED/LIGHT RED/CYAN/LIGHT CYAN/GRAY/LIGHT GRAY/YELLOW/BROWN/WHITE The screen continues. 139 UP33_07. p65 139 3/22/99, 11:52 AM s PLU (continued) · AMT. ENTRY TYPE (Use the selective entry) Mode parameter OPEN & PRESET: PLU/subdepartment mode PRESET: PLU mode OPEN: Subdepartment mode INHIBIT: Inhibit mode · BASE QTY (Use the numeric entry) Base quantity for each PLU/subdepartment that should be applied only to split-pricing entries (max. 2 digits: 0. 0 to 9. 9) · MINIMUM STOCK (Use the numeric entry) Minimum stock quantity for a PLU (max. [. . . ] Operation: Select the reading operation "E. JOURNAL" in X1/Z1 mode. It is possible to take filter functions (consecutive no. /date/clerk code). Consecutive no. : ALL or RANGE (designate start no. /end no. ) Date: ALL or RANGE (designate start date/end date) Clerk code: ALL or INDIVIDUAL (designate clerk code) q Resetting (Z report) It is possible to take the resetting report of the journal data (same as normal journal formats) in the electronic journal file by the report printer. Operation: Select the resetting operation "E. JOURNAL" in X1/Z1 mode. [. . . ]